With home care on holiday to Marveld Recreatie. It seems so normal to go on holiday without worry. But this is not obvious for everyone. That is why we as Marveld Recreatie work together with home care organization Sensire. This gives you the opportunity to enjoy a carefree holiday in the Achterhoek.
If a guest at Marveld Recreatie needs home care, we offer the option of receiving home care from Sensire as an extra service. It is also possible to request this directly via Sensire. This is possible via the Sensire telephone number 0900-8856. This is allowed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Sensire provides all resources, material and manpower. They also take care of the administrative settlement and consult and make agreements with their own home care institution. That way you get the care you need.
Please note, a timely application for care & aids is necessary due to personnel planning.
It’s in those little things. The newspaper early in the morning. A smile. A walk with the dog. Swim, cycle, play tennis or go bowling. Vacation, time for yourself…
Everyone has their own things and habits that can make you feel good. Everyone recognizes that feeling. At Sensire we realize that this feeling is very personal and therefore different for everyone. That is why our concern for everyone is different. In person. Tailored to the needs. People experience this from the very first moment they are introduced to us.
Because not all aids can be placed in every bungalow, it is important to consult with Sensire in advance. In the column on the right more about Sensire and its services.
We wish you a carefree and carefully surrounded holiday!
Personal care
Nursing Technical Assistance
Night Care
24-hour accessibility
Loan of nursing articles